Friday, February 11, 2005

R.I.P. Mr. Miller

Those people brave enough and confident enough in their work to actually make their living, and make their living well, by writing are always amazing to me - especially those who are uniquely skilled and gifted at this trade. Arthur Miller is one of the greatest writers of our time. I love his work and have great respect for him. The loss of such a brilliant mind is always tragic.

Speaking of loss, I would also like to express my deepest care to the Elston Family in Borger, Tx. Martha was an absolutely wonderful woman who influenced me growing up musically, spiritually, and personally. I will always regret not staying in closer touch with the family and am unbelieveably sad that I won't see her again. Martha always focused on the celebration of life, and I hope that with your greif you all are remembering, cherishing, and celebrating memories as well. I know that is what I am trying to focus on here. Positive and healing energies to you all. I wish I could be closer to tell you all this in person. Instead I just have to post my feelings here, even though none of you will probably ever read it. It's something I can do to make myself feel better.

To all of those who go before,


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