Sunday, May 15, 2005

Status Report 10 things in 5 days...

Well first I have to give the excuse that Chris is coming home early - Monday night instead of Wednesday night. 10 things in 3 days sounded much less likely and kind of killed my motivation. But I am getting some things done! Of course it is also 12:30 on Sunday and I have JUST emerged from my bedroom for the morning. I woke up and started reading and didn't stop for a while. I'm going to get showered and dressed, go take care of an errand or two, and work for a bit. But here is where I stand for now:

1. Laundry...lots and lots of laundry
2. Cleaning our room
3. Cleaning out my car
Maybe I'll get to these things when I get home from work tonight....maybe :-D Assuming I don't get all caught up with list item #4 again...

4. Reading
This one I definitely have gotten done. Finished the last 80 pages in Book 3 and am about 70 pages into Book 4 this morning!

5. Get least my room by myself. Sometimes it's fun.
Check! Did this last night as I was finishing Book 3. Lovely!

6. Try and keep myself from wandering the trails aimlessly and getting lost during said drunken episode.
Check again! I was much too enthralled in my reading to go wandering trails or bikeriding.

7. Actually get around to the whole "re-evaluation of my life" thing. Especially considering recent epiphanies of said life.
8. Blog a little more about my currently ending marathon - I started it and you guys deserve a little more of the story.
Maybe I'll get to these two tomorrow before Chris gets home...or tonight if I get enough cleaning done...

9. Work...doesn't this suck? I need to work at LEAST 16 hours this weekend.
Woo hoo! Work went MUCH better than I thought it would yesterday so I will not have to work for the rest of the day today. I will probably just go in for 2 or 3 hours. Should leave plenty of time for cleaning, blogging, and contemplating life later today.

10. Crafty artsy-fartsy stuff. Why? I dont' know. I feel like I need to make something pretty.
This one I am definitely putting off until later this week. I think I'll wait until Chris gets home to get his input on some ideas. to continue on with my day! I'll try and blog a bit later this evening - or maybe if I'm on a break from work.

'Til then,


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