No Tagbacks
Okay ... So apparently the latest blogger craze is to "tag" your friends with these fun and silly questionaires. And I was tagged so I'll do my duty. I'm supposed to pick 5 so let's see...
If I could be a scientist
If I could be a farmer
If I could be a musician I'd want to go on tour with Moby.
If I could be a doctor
If I could be a painter
If I could be a gardener
If I could be a missionary
If I could be a chef
If I could be an architect
If I could be a linguist
If I could be a psychologist
If I could be a librarian I might actually have the time and resources to read ALL the books that I've been meaning to read since the beginning of time.
If I could be an athlete
If I could be a lawyer
If I could be an inn-keeper I'd give a percentage of my unreserved rooms at 9pm to homeless families in the area.
If I could be a professor
If I could be a writer
If I could be a llama-rider
If I could be a bonnie pirate I'd live life with a great big smile on my face just because pillaging for booty would be in my job description :-D
If I could be an astronaut
If I could be a world famous blogger
If I could be a justice on any one court in the world
If I could be married to any current famous political figure it would be Angelina Jolie. Not only is she an intelligent and caring philanthopist, she's frickin' HOT! Yummmmm..... now my three to tag. Chris, L, and The Closet Masochist. Y'all better not let me down!
So how do I freaking do this? I get it that I'm tagged, but what are the rules?
Do I post a response on my blog and then tag two of my friends and they *in theory* turn and do the same?
Will comply quasi-willingly, lol, but must know the rules first. :)
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