Wednesday, June 01, 2005

I Confess...


So Chris *stumbled* upon this website today - where people go and confess their givings-in to the seven deadly sins - because we all do from time to time... Somehow, this made me decide to blog about them. Why? I have no idea. I'd venture a guess that greater than 90% of you reading this blog know me personally, and could look at me a little differently after these confessions - but I've never really hidden much from all of you so I suppose I shouldn't start now. Let's see if I can get this done.

Pride - I have the greatest hair of just about anyone I know. When I meet a new person and they don't comment on it in the first few minutes, I tend to think less of them.

Envy - I'm jealous of people with money to do whatever they want, even though I know that my own issues are a direct result of my own lack of responsibility. I wish for a lucky break, or for them to become broke with me.

Sloth - If left to my own devices, chances are I would spend at least one day per weekend in bed all day, doing absolutlely nothing. And then I would hate myself for it.

Gluttony - See my post on the Elena Plate (I'm too slothful to go and look it up for you). Also, see me drinking whiskey on just about any occasion...

Greed - as hippy as I am, I would not at all balk at having a huge house with lots of stuff - all the bells and long as I had a maid to clean it.

Lust - Holy shit, don't get me started. Just trust me on this one...maybe this will be the subject of a WHOLE post in the future...

Anger - I try really hard not to get angry a lot. I know that the only person who really makes me angry is me. I control my emotions. But I do get VERY fucking angry somtimes. When I was young I had a horrible temper - I used to throw tantrums in elementary school that put Ms. Piggy to shame. One day I decided I didn't want to do that anymore - so I stopped. It was that easy. However from time to time I still feel that old pressure in my chest, and give into it. I can curse you in ways that your old crotchety grandpa who survived the frickin' war would never even dream of.

There are probably a lot more that I could list in a lot of these areas, but this will suffice for now I think. What about you? Anyone else want to give this a shot?

Taking the moral high road...reluctantly...



At 10:04 PM, Blogger The Merry Widow said...

I don't think any differently of you. It takes a good person to admit their faults.


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