Friday, March 04, 2005

"...your hands are in my hair but my heart is in your teeth..."

Gotta love Jewel...
A little while back I talked a bit about Sam's ability to write lyrics with great symbolism. I was listening to my mp3's at work today (I've got around 600 that I keep here and keep them on Shuffle all day) and "Near You Always" came on. I remember listening to this in high school, riding around with my best friend and listening to Pieces of You - waxing poetic about love and life (because Lord knows we knew so much back then, hahahahaha). I think that some of my fondest memories in life were played out to that CD. Just like in my favorite movies' soundtracks - I can pick out specific scenes and conversations around each of the songs.

Near You Always is probably one of my favorite songs on the CD. The symbolism, I think, is the best. I have the clearest memory of sitting in the parking lot of Huber Park in my Monte Carlo having a conversation with Robyn about nothing and everything...listening to this song. We loved that line "your hands are in my hair, but my heart is in your teeth". I miss her face.

So here's the rest of the song...just in case you don't know it. But why the hell wouldn't you? Hahaha!

Please don't say I love you.
Those words touch me much too deeply.
And they make my core tremble.
Don't think you realize the effect you have over me.
And please don't look at me like that.
It just makes me want to make you near me always.

Please don't kiss me so sweet,
It makes me crave a thousand kisses to follow.
And please don't touch me like that,
Makes every other embrace seem pale and shallow.
And please don't come so close.
It just makes me want to make you near me always.

And please don't bring me flowers,
They only whisper the sweet things you'd say.
And don't try to understand me.
Your hands already know too much anyway.
It just makes me want to make you near me always.

And when you look into my eyes,
Please know my heart is in your hands.
It's nothing that I understand.
But when in your arms,
You have complete power over me
So be gentle if you please, 'cause
Your hands are in my hair, but
My heart is in your teeth
Baby, and it makes me want to make you near me always.
Your hands are in my hair, but
My heart is in your teeth
Baby, and it makes me want to make you near me always.

Want to be near you always.
Want to be near you always.
Want to be near you always.

That's it for today. I was just ridiculously struck by that song this morning and felt like posting a little about it.

Yay for the weekend!



At 3:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhh...memories. I believe if I had to pick a soundtrack to my life in high school it would have to be Jewel. My best memories in my so short life were definitely the times you and I spent listening--in order, without skipping forward or back b/c we couldn't find the silly remote to your CD player--to the Jewel CDs. I also remember picking out the order of CDs for the week because once we put them in we couldn't change them unless we got out and pulled everything out of your trunk! was so much simpler then. So, on that note--"...please be careful with me, I'm sensitive And I'd like to stay that way"
Love you girl--always,

At 3:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.S. I miss your face too...


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